Learning Cloud

Introducing the new

Tungsten Learning Cloud

Welcome to the newly updated Tungsten Learning Cloud training platform.

If you’re new to Tungsten training, we hope you find our website to be inviting, intuitive, and an overall great training experience.

What’s New

For those of you who are frequent visitors, we’d like to cover some of the many changes and improvements we’ve made to our website and program, so that you may continue your pursuit to skills and proficiency with the Tungsten products.

New Role-based Learning Paths

Our new Role-based Learning Paths are designed and created with a specific role in mind. This approach to training will ensure that what you learn will be instrumental in fulfilling your specific responsibilities in the workplace. This new curriculum will provide the learner with relevant training at a significant savings and each of our role-based learning paths can help prepare you to receive your Tungsten certification for that role. Role-based Learning Paths are now available for many of the Tungsten products.

New Certification Program

Tungsten Education Services has reevaluated and reworked the Tungsten Automation product certification program to bring more value and recognition to those certifying on the Tungsten Automation products. We have recreated the certification line-up and have focused it on the prominent roles associated with the various Tungsten Automation products. You can check out our new listing of certifications by selecting Certification and Badging from our home page at learn.kofax.com. All certification exams must be purchased separately.

Our New Look

Our training platform interface has been completely redesigned to provide a more seamless intuitive training solution. Our site has been simplified so that you won’t be spending most of your time getting through all the instructions explaining how our site works. When you arrive at learn.kofax.com, you are greeted with an inviting webpage displaying an easy-on-the-eyes pallet of colors and nine selections to choose from. These nine choices cover almost everything a current or future learner could want or need, organized into three groups, one for those just getting started, one for our returning learners, and one for additional assistance.


We have three options...

Start Training - Takes you through a short process to find the training that’s right for you by asking you to perform two simple tasks; select your Tungsten Automation product and select your role in your organization. From there, the site locates all training courses that match these criteria and displays them in our course catalog for you to review and purchase.

Certification and Badging – Takes you to our Certification program page for a brief explanation of the credentials we offer and provides you a look at each of the certifications that Tungsten Automation currently offers. Our program now also provides Skills Badges which offer our learners digital badges for completing specified milestones throughout their learning journey which can be proudly displayed in email signatures, on LinkedIn, and more.

Learning Cloud Events – Now offers all our active Tungsten Automation learners an exclusive invitation to join our monthly Knowledge Sharing webinars. These webinars are offered for each of our major products and are completely free for our active learners.


We have three options...

Go to My Training page – Takes you to your own personalized training page where you can access your courses, display your earned credentials, and provides additional information about your account.

Tungsten Master Class Series – Is for those who want to go further and learn more about the Tungsten TotalAgility, RPA, and Process Director products. This Master Class Series page will provide all the information you need to engage in one of our Master Class courses.

Partner Technical Training – Offers our Tungsten Automation partner community a convenient location for the latest news, special promotions, and access to technical enablement training courses.

*** Existing Learning Cloud Customers - Although we’ve changed our look, our existing Tungsten Learning Cloud members can continue to enjoy their self-guided approach to training and continue to receive the benefits that come with a membership. Although the interface has changed significantly, it will only take you a few minutes to get oriented and begin training.


We have three options...

Have a Training Voucher? – Is a tool that lets you conveniently look up a training voucher that you are planning to use. By entering the voucher number, you can get instant information about that voucher such as, when it was issued, when it expires, how many times it can be used and how many times it has been used. By looking up your voucher, you will also be able to see which training courses it can be redeemed for and will allow you to select the course you wish to enroll in and redeem your voucher all at the same time.

Need Help? – Lets you contact Tungsten Education directly with your questions, feedback, advice, or anything else we can assist you with. Active learners are entitled to personalized training support during the life of their training subscription. Support is provided by our experienced staff who will go the extra mile to assist you with your training and ensure you get what you need out of it.

Tungsten Automation Community – Takes you directly to the Tungsten Automation Community where you can share information, get answers to your questions, and learn new things about the Tungsten Automation products.