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Course Details

RPA Professional Developer (Instructor-led)

Course/Exam Description

Course Title: RPA Professional Developer (Instructor-led)
Course ID and Course P/N: RPA-TRN-ESSBLE-111
Duration: 4 Days
Skill Level: Introductory
Price: $3,250 Price per student. Available discounts applied in the checkout cart. No charge to join waitlist.

Description: This course provides an introduction to Kofax Robotic Process Automation (RPA) 11.x and focuses on the basic skills to build both Basic Engine (fka "Web Automation") Robots and ("Desktop Automation") Robots in the Design Studio.

The training consists of many hands-on exercises that will be introduced by the trainer and discussed afterwards.

The focus of the first half of the training is on getting familiar with building and testing robots and understanding what is needed to implement a Basic Engine Robot (fka "Web Automation") workflow. Several applications are explored, like extracting data from web sites, working with databases and Excel sheets but we do not cover all available functionality in the Basic Engine Robot workflow.

The focus of the second half of the training is understanding what is needed to implement a (fka "Desktop Automation") Robot workflow and its relation to the Basic Engine Robot workflow. To learn how to build a Robot workflow you will work with some built in applications like Chromium and Document Transformation Services and we will cover Desktop Automation on remote machines as well.

The exercises are designed to keep the learning curve as smooth as possible and of course the instructor is at hand to answer questions and help out with any issues that may arise. A detailed lab guide is provided as part of the exercises.

Objectives: At the conclusion of training, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify process tasks that are likely candidates for Robotic Process Automation
  • Create RPA 11 robots that use the Basic Engine Robot (fka "Web Automation") workflow as well as Robots (using "Desktop Automation" workflow)
  • Test and debug robots in the Design Studio
  • Deploy and schedule robots in the Management Console
  • Implement a workflow by adding Steps, Branches and For Each loops
  • Work with the Development Database
  • Handle errors and exceptions with try steps
  • Build robots that extract data from and interact with web pages and web applications
  • Build robots that read or write spreadsheets
  • Understand the concept of Finders
  • Use guarded steps and loops
  • Work with built-in applications like the Chromium Browser and Desktop Transformation Services
  • Understand the role of the Desktop Automation Service
  • Create and configure robots that control applications on remote machines
  • Identify relevant components in the RPA solution

Delivery Method:  Instructor-led Classroom with Live-Online option where indicated.

Methodology:  Illustrated lecture and discussion, demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises. 

  Anyone who wants to get experience in developing robots in the Design Studio. 

Prerequisites: To get the most from this class, trainees should…

  • have completed the (free) online RPA learning path 'Getting Started'
  • Some knowledge of HTML is preferred
  • A prior certification for Kofax RPA 10 is also sufficient.

Additional training resources: At the end of this training the participants will get a 1-year access to the ”RPA Professional Developer” course.

Training environment: The student is expected to have access to a working Kofax RPA 11 environment. This includes access to the Design Studio (with a development database) to develop robots as well as access to the Management Console to deploy those robots and access to a machine that runs a Desktop Automation Service. Such an environment can be created by downloading and installing an evaluation package from the Kofax home page. 

Students will be provided with access to an online environment for the duration of the training with all necessary software preinstalled. All that is needed to access this environment is a modern browser with good Internet connectivity. Prior to the training students will receive instructions on how to access this environment and how to test their connection.


               Day 1

               - Basic Engine Robots (fka "Web Automation") Introduction

               - Basic Engine Robot Design

               - Importing a project

               - Workflow: Branches and For Each loops

               - The Development Database

               - Workflow: The Repeat-Next loops

               Day 2, Morning

               - Workflow: The Try Step

               - Reading Excel

               - Writing Excel

               - Finders  in depth

               - Recap, Q&A, Knowledge check

               Day 2, Afternoon

               - (Desktop Automation) Robot development Introduction

               - The Basic Engine Robot Workflow recap

               - Robot workflow introduction

               - The Desktop Automation Service

               Day 3

               - Guarded choice steps and guards

               - Opening and closing a Web page

               - Extracting information

               - Visit multiple web pages

               - The Document Transformation Service

               - Component Finders In Depth

               - Recap, Q&A, Knowledge check

               Day 4

               - TBD

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