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Course Details

Kofax Express 3.1

Course/Exam Description

Course Title: Express 3.1 Essentials
Duration: The course duration tag represents the video and reading time for all course components. Expect to spend 16 hours in the product version guided learning path(s) to complete the content, lab(s), and exam(s).
Skill Level: Introductory

Description: This course is designed to provide students with a detailed examination of Kofax Express version 3.1. Students will be introduced to components, options, and features for Kofax Express, and will be presented with best practices for configuring Kofax Express to capture documents of optimum image quality, acquire and associate index data with the documents, manipulate documents and data, and make the documents and data available to back-end applications and repositories.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify features and benefits of Kofax Express.
  • Describe the requirements for using Kofax Express in a production environment.
  • Configure Kofax Express for achieving optimum image quality, acquire and associate index data, and export the documents and data to back-end applications and repositories.

Methodology: Illustrated lecture and discussion, demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises. Knowledge retention and ability to product documentation will be measured by a 50 question certification examination.

Prerequisites: To fully utilize the information in the course and to complete the student lab exercises, the following requirements should be met:

  • Access to a PC with administrative permissions
  • No programming or specialized IT skills are required
  • A TWAIN or ISIS scanner would be helpful for capturing images via a scanning operation, but not necessary

Course Access: 365 days from enrollment date

Enrollment Options

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Express 3.1 Essentials Training 365 Days Access $917 Log in required


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