Analytics for Capture 1.2 Certification Exam | EX-C-AFC-012 |
365 days access |
$350.00 |
Analytics for Capture 1.2 Certification Exam | EX-C-AFC-012
Analytics for Capture 1.2 Training |
365 days access |
$2273.25 |
Analytics for Capture 1.2
Analytics for MarkView Training |
365 days access |
$2165.00 |
Analytics for MarkView 1.1
AP Agility 2.3 Installer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$239.00 |
AP Agility 2.3 Installer Certification Exam
AP Agility 2.3 Solution Developer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$239.00 |
AP Agility 2.3 Solution Developer Certification Exam
AP Agility 2.5 Accounts Payable Developer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$237.00 |
AP Agility 2.5 Accounts Payable Developer Certification Exam
AP Agility 2.5 Installer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$239.00 |
AP Agility 2.5 Installer Certification Exam
AP Agility 2.5 Invoice Processing Developer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$239.00 |
AP Agility 2.5 Invoice Processing Developer Certification Exam
AP Agility 2.5 Solution Developer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$239.00 |
AP Agility 2.5 Solution Developer Certification Exam
AP Agility for Kofax Learning Cloud (Humana) |
365 days access |
$0.00 |
AP Agility for Kofax Learning Cloud - Prime Membership
AP Agility Installer |
365 days access |
$1080.00 |
AP Agility Installer
AP Agility Solution Developer |
365 days access |
$2707.00 |
AP Agility Solution Developer
AP Essentials 10.4 Administrator Exam |
365 days access |
$120.00 |
AP Essentials 10.4 Administrator Certification Exam
AP Essentials 10.4 Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$120.00 |
AP Essentials 10.4 Business User Certification Exam
AP Essentials 10.5 Administrator Exam |
365 days access |
$120.00 |
AP Essentials 10.5 Administrator Certification Exam
AP Essentials Administrator |
365 days access |
$2842.35 |
AP Essentials (APS) Administrator
AP Essentials Business User |
365 days access |
$563.85 |
AP Essentials (APS) Business User
AutoStore 7 Technical Certification for Konica Minolta |
- |
$850.00 |
AutoStore 7 Technical Certification for Konica Minolta | EL-AS-TCKM-070
AutoStore 7 Technical Training for Pre-Sale Training |
365 days access |
$0.00 |
AutoStore 7 Technical Training for Pre-Sale
AutoStore 7 Technical Update Training |
- |
$100.00 |
AutoStore 7 Technical Update Training | EL-AS-UPDATE-070
Capture 11.0 What's New Course |
365 days access |
$1134.00 |
Capture 11.0 - What's New
Capture 11.1 Professional Developer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$239.00 |
Capture 11.1 Professional Developer Certification Exam
Capture Executive Role-based Training |
365 days access |
$2170.00 |
Capture Executive
Capture Network Server 10.0 Essentials |
365 days access |
$2165.00 |
Capture Network Server 10
Capture Network Server 10.0 Essentials Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$120.00 |
Capture Network Server 10.0 Essentials Certification Exam
Capture Professional Developer |
365 days access |
$4335.00 |
Capture Professional Developer
Combined Client for Ricoh Technical Training |
365 days access |
$100.00 |
Combined Client for Ricoh Technical Training | EL-KFX-CCRTT-000
Communication Server Update Training | Live Online |
From 03-31-2025 to 04-03-2025 |
$2788.00 |
Communication Server Update Training 2025 (Instructor-led)
Communication Server Update Training | Onsite Vienna |
From 11-17-2025 to 11-19-2025 |
$2788.00 |
Communication Server Update Training 2025 (Instructor-led)
Communications Manager 5 Installation Management and Integration Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$120.00 |
Communications Manager 5.4 Installation Management and Integration Exam
Communications Manager 5.3 Citizen Developer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$120.00 |
Communications Manager 5.3 Citizen Developer Certification Exam
Communications Manager 5.3 Professional Developer Certification Exam |
365 days access |
$239.00 |
Communications Manager 5.3 Professional Developer Certification Exam
Communications Manager Citizen Developer |
365 days access |
$1080.00 |
Communications Manager Citizen Developer
Connecting AutoStore 7 to Xerox MFPs |
- |
$100.00 |
Connecting AutoStore 7 to Xerox MFPs | EL-AS-CXERMFP-070
Copitrak Edge Assembly Training |
- |
$100.00 |
Copitrak Edge Assembly Training | EL-CPT-ASSEMB-000
E-Signature Essentials On-Demand Training & Certification | OD-SD-ESS-000 |
365 days access |
$800.00 |
E-Signature Essentials | OD-SD-ESS-000
eCopy ShareScan 6 Technical Certification Training |
365 days access |
$850.00 |
eCopy ShareScan 6 Technical Certification Training | EL-EC-ECSSTCT-060
eCopy ShareScan 6 Technical Training for Post-Sale and Support |
365 days access |
$850.00 |
eCopy ShareScan 6 Technical Training for Post-Sale and Support | EL-EC-TTPSS-060
eCopy ShareScan 6 Technical Training for Pre-Sale |
365 days access |
$0.00 |
eCopy ShareScan 6 Technical Training for Pre-Sale | EL-EC-TTPS-060
Equitrac Document Capture - Scan to Autonomy iManage WorkSite |
- |
$100.00 |
Equitrac Document Capture - Scan to Autonomy iManage WorkSite | EL-EQP-EQDCSAIMWS-050
Equitrac Embedded Client for Samsung XOA-Web Technical Training |
- |
$100.00 |
Equitrac Embedded Client for Samsung XOA-Web Technical Training | EL-EQ-EECSXOAWTT-000
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 High Availability DCE Print Release and New Caching Technology |
- |
$1000.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 High Availability DCE Print Release | EL-EQ-HADCE-057
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Epson |
- |
$850.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Epson | EL-EQ-EOETCE-057
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Implementation |
- |
$850.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Implementation | EL-EQ-EOETCI-057
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Ricoh |
- |
$850.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Ricoh | EL-EQ-EOETCR-057
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Samsung |
- |
$850.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Samsung | EL-EQ-EOETCS-057
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Toshiba |
- |
$850.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Certification for Toshiba | EL-EQ-EOETCT-057
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Training for Post-Sale and Support |
- |
$850.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Training for Post-Sale and Support | EL-EQ-EOETTPSS-057
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Training for Pre-Sale |
365 days access |
$0.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Training for Pre-Sale | EL-CTS-EQOETTPS-057
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Update |
- |
$100.00 |
Equitrac Office and Express 5.7 Technical Update | EL-EQ-EOETU-057